WaltDavis.net - Sitemap

Sitemap for WaltDavis.net - view is simplified to make it easier for navigation, duplicate and broken links are removed, and hidden links (or links with no navigation from another page) are added.

A Secure & Functional Software Development Platform
This website belongs to the family of Walt and Renee Davis. WaltDavis.net began as a challenge to custom build the hardware and software needed for a small IT center using open source technology.

Software Projects
WaltDavis.net has cataloged several Software Projects. This is our home page for Software Projects and from here you will find a link and summary of each project.

Software Architecture
WaltDavis.net provides several documents on the subject of Software Architecture. This is our home page for Architecture; from here you will find a summery of several Architectural Documents.

Walt Davis is an amateur astronomer who enjoys the technical challenge of  astrophotography. With the modern capabilities of amateur astronomy equipment and strong computer skills this has turned out to be the most enjoyable hobby yet. This sections contains a collection of the best astronomy photos.

About Renee Davis (Fulltime Mother of Three)

About The Family of Walt and Renee Davis
Walt and Renee first met December of 1993 at Hewlett Packard, Corvallis Oregon. Renee was the facilities printing and backup Operator. Walt was part way through a one year internship.

About Walt Davis (Software Architect, Java, Web, Object Oriented)
Walt Davis (Software Architect) for the State of Oregon holds a BS in Software Engineering - TOGAF, ATAM, and VRAPS architectural principles - Java, Web, and Object Oriented Applications.

Associated Links (PHIN, NEDSS, eSentinel, TOGAF, ...)
An index to links associated with Walt Davis or waltdavis.net. Here you will find links to projects like PHIN, NEDSS, eSentinel, Flatrock ... and links to groups like IANA, WWISA , TOGAF ...

Resume of Walt Davis
Walt Davis is an accomplished Software Engineer with an experienced background in building Information Systems, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, and Enterprise Application Integration.

Family Directory (Contact Information)
Use this directory to lookup the contact information for a person of interest, i.e., email addy and phone number for Walt Davis, Renee Davis, Araya Davis, Jessie Davis, and Jamie Davis.

Family Photos Using Picasa
WaltDavis.net uses Google's Picasa to manage family photos. Here you will find links to public albums. For access to private albums please send an email to.

Internet Services
Here you will find a catalog of internet services used by or available from waltdavis.net.

Real Time Chat
A real time chatting system.

Publishing Platform (Blog)
WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability.

Web Portal
A Web Portal System, storytelling software, News system, online community or whatever you want to call it.

© Copyright Walt Davis, all rights reserved.